Monday, May 7, 2012

Spring in the Garden at the Parish House Inn

This view from the parking lot, where the boxwood hedge and climbing roses frame the patio.
This "Dwarf Lilac" hedge usually blooms at the end of May but is  flowering May 7 .
A view into the private patio with  the two seat glider ready for guests to relax and enjoy the day.

Our patio is surrounded by greenery...climbing roses, hostas, dwarf lilacs and day lilies.  In  the summer there are large pots of geraniums and herbs for color and fragrance. It is a just a few steps to the edge of the back yard where you can see the swiftly moving  Huron River  and the wildlife that call it home. Just book your room right on line and you too can enjoy the view.

Chris Mason
Parish House Inn

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing these photographs. The garden at the parish house inn looks fantastic and with a really unique design. Thanks for the post.
