Library Park |
Historical marker for Elijah McCoy |
When you stay at the Parish House Inn, in addition to shopping or dining in Downtown Ypsilanti, you can visit an interesting little park nestled right next to the B-24 coffee shop and the Ypsilanti Public Library. It is called Library Park and was updated a few years ago when the Historic building that houses the library next door was totally renovated. There are permanent tables with checker boards for table tops, benches, a fountain, and an Historical Marker for Elijah McCoy. Ypsilanti is the second oldest city in Michigan, founded in 1829 (Detroit is older). the Ypsilanti Normal School, a teachers college, was founded in 1849 and became Eastern Michigan University. Elijah McCoy was an African American man who lived here in the mid 1800's and invented a self lubrication piston for the railroad engines, and the expression "the real McCoy" became associated with it. He later went to Scotland where he was responsible for many more inventions during his lifetime.
So after a walk around the downtown area, enjoy a cup of coffee or browse through the library and relax in this lovely oasis and read all about Elijah McCoy. Eastern Michigan's school of business is across the street, so there is a lot of people watching to be done.
Chris Mason