February is only half over....Valentine's Day celebrations are history...so what is there to do? Since the weather demands indoor activity, a play, dinner and a stay at the Parish House Inn would make a weekend getaway. Let us make your reservations, arrange for your tickets and we will take 10% off your 2 night stay. (good through 2/28)
Here are some suggestions;
February 18-20
"Nora" and Julie"; Ingmar Bergman's one-act adaptations of 2 seminal 19th century Scandinavian dramas on profeminist themes. Ibsen's "A Doll House" and Strindberg's "Miss Julie".
EMU Theater Department, 7PM Quirk Theater, EMU campus, Ypsilanti. For tickets call734-487-2282.
"Our Town"; Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer prize winning portrait of a small town at the beginning of the 20th century. A classic for 72 years.
U-M Theater Department, 7:30 PM Lydia Mendelsosohn Theater, Michigan League, Ann Arbor. For Tickets call 734-764-0450.
February 18-20 and every Thursday to Sunday through March 21.
"It Came From Mars"; Tony Caselli directs local playwright Joseph Zettlemaier's off the wall play about a group of radio actors terrified by Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" broadcast.
Performance Network, 120 E. Huron, Ann Arbor, 8 PM. For tickets call734-663-0681.
February 18 through March 27
"Gravity"; Guy Sanville directs local actors in the world premiere of David MacGregor's drama about Isaac Newton, the 17 century scientist negotiates the delicate line between divinity and madness.
Purple Rose Theater, 137 Park Street, Chelsea, 8 PM. Call 734-433-7673.
(Chelsea is just a 30 minute drive)
Parish House Inn